Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Alexandra Butler, Vampire In Training

I had a really strange dream last night. I'll try to recall exactly what it was... but it was bizarre.

The main character was a woman named Alexandra Butler, who lived in an apartment building with her cat. The apartment had a strange raccoon infestation, and the cat kept them at bay, so the landlord didn't mind the cat wandering around the roof all the time.

Anyway, Alexandra likes to surf so she goes down to the lagoon to surf (do lagoons have waves? well, they had big ones in my dream) and meets a mysterious stranger who ends up being a vampire. Alexandra tells him that she's always wanted to be a vampire, so he agrees to turn her.
There's a fancy party where everyone is all dressed up, and Alexandra and three of her girlfriends go (and I think the cat was there too). At the party, each of the girls is taken aside by a vampire and asked if they want to be turned. Only Alexandra says yes, and the rest of the dream was Alexandra trying to talk her friends into being vampires, and starting up a "turning" business, where she'll turn whoever can pay the prince into a vampire.

Like I said, strange dream. But kind of amusing. I wonder why my subconscious was thinking about vampires...

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