This post will be very picture heavy, since I don't think blogger does cuts like Livejournal does. Also, if you want to see pictures of the cosplayers, go to my website. I'm not going to repost them here.
I will, however, post the pictures I didn't put on my website. Here they are!

J and J, pretending that they're too cool for an anime convention.

The Artist Alley part of the con (aka the boring part) - the work is all very pretty, but also expensive since its done by talented artists who are trying to make a profit. Nice to look at, though

Me, with two of my toys - a stuffed Chocobo, and Momiji in bunny form! I love that rabbit!

The rabbit likes J, too!
And now, onto the loot! I'm not saying how much I spent, but I got some great deals!

The loot, an overview.

My Chocobo, with seasons 1 and 2 of Magic Knight Rayearth

Momiji, with the 5 volumes of Tokyo Babylon I bought (I only need 6 & 7 now!)

The Munto movies, and the complete season of KareKano (or, His and Her Circumstances, in translation)
Not a bad haul, huh?
Incidentally, this post will be x-posted to my Livejournal, so everyone can see what happened at Anime North and so I don't have to type this all out again :)
Oh cool, you found the other season of Rayearth!
It looks like you had lots of fun. You should wear a costume! Costumes make everything more fun :)
I was watching the slideshow of pictures on my screensave when suddenly there was your lazy starfish. I guess we must have seen it at the zoo last summer and I forgot :)
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