Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Distracted by Life

I've really, really been neglecting the ol' blog. Apologies to anyone out there who still reads this. Without getting into any details, let's just say my life has been a roller coaster ride the past few months with too many ups and downs.

Let's see... what I have I been working on?

Well, I've been knitting a gorgeous shawl out of the Noro Chirimen that Heather picked up for me at the Yarn Frolic (which I couldn't attend because, alas, I was working). Originally I was going to use it to make a sweater, but I really need a shawl for the summer (work is overly air conditioned) and the colours are so lovely!

And like usual, I don't have a picture of it. Sorry :(

The other thing occupying my time?

I've only had it for a few days, but it's oodles of fun :D

I also finished reading "The Count of Monte Cristo" (I'm stupidly proud of this - it's 1243 pages with really small type!) and I recommend it to anyone who has the time to read it.

Also, everyone should read "The Mystery of Grace" by Charles de Lint. I read it not knowing at all what it was about, and enjoyed it more that way. It's a fabulous read, supremely well written, and difficult to put down. Trust me, go read it :)

That's about it for my update. Once I figure out how to take pictures in Sims 3, I'll show you some of the wacky things you can do in the new game.

And once I get someone to take pictures of me in my recent knitting accomplishments, I'll post them too!


Adriana said...

I've been trying so hard not to spoil Mystery of Grace for Pete. It is so good! I'm glad you also enjoyed it.

When can I come over to play Sims? ;)

Alexmonster said...

DeLint = Literary Joy

It's been a long time since I'd read his short fiction, and though I remember little of it, I do recall rabidly evangelizing for it at the time, so I hereby recommend his book of short stories, Moonlight and Vines, on behalf of way-way-back Alex.