Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's been about a week....

It's been about a week since I last posted here, so I figured I should write something.

Unfortunately, not much has been going on.

Sure, I've been doing the usual going-to-work and being-shed-on-by-cats, but nothing really exciting has happened to me lately.

Let's see.... how about some updates on what I've been working on?

After cleaning out my bookshelf and getting rid of a lot of old books, I've decided to reread David Eddings' Belgariad series. Oh the memories. Reading these old books makes me smile because it reminds me of the style in which I used to write. I would mimic various authors in an attempt to find my own voice, and I definitely went through a David Eddings phase.

I'm still writing, but I found an old story on my hard drive that I hadn't touched in a while, reread it, and decided to start working on it again. It's based off an old D&D character I created, and then found too tricky to play. She's much easier to write, since I can control the other characters too ;)

Spirit Saga is on a temporary hiatus while I work out some details.... namely, should I kill this one character? It's an agonizing decision.

Knitting... well, Heather showed me how to do seams (which are really neat) so I'm stitching together my Easter lamb. The stupid yarn makes it really tricky, so only the head is attached to the body. And in the picture of the lamb, the body looks oval, but my lamb seems to have more of a triangular line-backer body. Weird.

I'm also knitting the Montego Bay scarf (is that what it's called? I'm too lazy to look it up), which is progressing nicely. I made a mistake, knit that mistake for a few inches, then made another mistake that corrected the original mistake and now I'm back on the pattern. Still looks good, though :)

But I haven't had a lot of time for my hobbies since I'm still trying to find a place to live. Gotta have one by the end of June or else I'm homeless... wish me luck!

1 comment:

Adriana said...

Eeek! Good luck on the apartment hunt!