Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stealin' posts for my blog

I just read a good review of Breaking Dawn (the final book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer). It's pretty much exactly how I feel about the book, so rather than litter the internet with the same thing twice, just go read it here.

Pictures from Nuit Blanche will be posted when I stop being so damned lazy and get the photos off my camera. I can't help it if every time I see my computer I automatically load up the Sims! I wonder if that's a sign I need help ;)

In knitting news, there's been a sudden baby boom among people I know (okay, only 2, but that's lots for me!) so I'm working on a surprise present for one friend, and thinking of a surprise present for the other. I also need more Taiyo to finish my sweater, and yarn to start a new sweater... Yarn crawl, anyone??


Heather G. said...


Adriana said...


Also, I have stuffs for you. We need to get together soon.