Monday, January 18, 2010


Now, I know that everyone in the free world has seen this Avatar:

Don't get me wrong - it was an amazing movie. Beautiful scenery, awesome special effects, etc. Kind of a Pocahontas-meet-Dances-With-Wolves-meet-Ferngully, only more blue.

The Avatar that I'm especially looking forward to is this one:

Which is a live-action movie version of this:

Which is one of the best non-anime cartoons I have *ever* seen (and I watch a lot of cartoons)!

So even though The Last Airbender (I guess they couldn't call it by the full title the show has, which is Avatar: The Last Airbender) is a live-action movie directed by M. Night Shamalan (or however you spell it), and I know it can't compare to the sheer awesomeness of the cartoon, I still can't wait to see it!

*movie squee*!

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